Group Health Insurance Rates for a Group of One
Paychecks no longer end up magically in your bank accounts every two weeks and health insurance is really expensive when you have to pick up the whole tab yourself. You’re on your own with the first problem, but we can offer some solutions for the findin

Don’t Cancel Your Health Insurance Just Yet
Just weeks after Congress passed the 2,000-plus page health care reform bill, anecdotal stories are circulating about people walking into health care facilities and demanding their free ObamaCare. Hope you didn’t drop your health insurance policy with the

Looking for Dental Insurance Coverage? Here’s the Drill.
It only takes one uninsured root canal or crown to convince most people that dental insurance is a good idea. While it is not intended to pay 100% of your dental care costs, it goes a long way toward taking the bite out of it.

Are Mandates Why You Can’t Find Cheap Health Insurance?
Shopping for a cheap individual health insurance plan and dismayed by the premiums? Assuming you’re in good health, don’t smoke and aren’t pushing retirement age, the reason could be mandates. Those are the benefits and services insurance companies are re

Health Insurance Savings with Smart Prescription Drug Shopping
A big advantage of having health insurance is prescription drug coverage. But plan benefits vary and even with the best health insurance you can still save big bucks by being a smart shopper. Here are some tips and hints to help.

Is Health Insurance Tax Deductible?
Tax time is right around the corner. Time to corral all the receipts, break out the calculator and see how much of your hard-earned cash you actually get to keep. Your best bet is to itemize and claim every single legitimate deduction you’re entitled to.

Is High Deductible Health Insurance Right For You?
Happy New Year! Why not take this opportunity to review your health insurance coverage and see if you can save a few bucks by making more informed choices? One of the best ways to bring down costs is to elect for a high deductible plan, which offers the a

Tips for Picking a Health Care Plan Winner During Open Enrollment
It’s that time of year. If you’re still among the employed and your employer still offers health insurance as a company benefit, any day now you’ll be paraded into the company conference room to hear about your open enrollment options. If you’ve used this

Max Out Your Health Benefits
With the end of the year coming on fast, now is a good time to strategize how to maximize the benefits on your medical and dental insurance policies for the coming year. The goal is to not leave any money or benefits on the table.

How to Get Life Insurance if You’re Sick or Unhealthy
Like Monday morning quarterbacking, it’s easy to see that you should have bought life insurance when you were young and healthy instead of waiting till you’re pushing 50 or racking up health problems. If you suddenly find yourself among the nearly 5% of A

Health Care Insurance Update: Changes to COBRA in 2010
Part of last year’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA, aka the stimulus bill) included a federal COBRA premium subsidy for folks who lost their jobs between September 1, 2008 and December 31, 2009. Under its provisions, the federal government w

Personal Health Care Insurance for College Students
College-bound students who were planning on coverage under their parents’ employer-provided health care insurance may need to add a personal health care insurance plan or college-provided plan to the rising cost of higher education. Blame the prolonged r

Affordable Health Insurance. What Impact Would Real Portability Have?
Portability is one of the words that keeps popping up in the health care reform debates and the goal to provide Americans with affordable health insurance. Simply put, portability involves your ability to take your employer-provider health insurance with

Affordable Health Insurance. Low Cost Health Insurance. Cheap Health Insurance. Do Any of These Exist?
As unemployment continues to rise, many people who’ve always depended on their employers for health care are finding themselves in unfamiliar territory. For some the first shock comes when they get the COBRA cost and actually learn what the average monthl

How to Shop for Individual Health Insurance Quotes Online
If you have health insurance provided by an employer, you don’t have to do much at all

Finding Individual Health Insurance with a Pre-Existing Condition
In the insurance world, a pre-existing condition is any medical condition you have had before you tried to get health insurance coverage.

Individual Short-Term Disability Insurance Plans: A Good Bet for the Self-Employed
Rather than raiding your savings or racking up credit card debt, look into a affordable individual short-term disability plans.

Understanding Health Insurance Costs, Pt. 2 – How We Got Here
Understanding a little about how we got to where we are with health insurance in the U.S. might not only help you understand why your health insurance premiums cost what they do but give you the knowledge to affect a cheaper personal health insurance plan