
Save on Homeowners Insurance: Avoid These Winter Safety Hazards

When the temperature goes down, a lot of safety hazards go on, especially during the holidays. Damage from faulty electrical connections, chimney fires, heating systems and Christmas decorations are top offenders that can drive up your homeowners insuranc

For Homeowners Insurance Discounts Make Your Home More Secure

A barking dog may deter a thief, but it won’t get you any homeowners insurance discounts (and a biting dog could get your policy canceled). A much better bet is to do everything possible to secure your home from break-ins. Even something as small as inst

Save on Your Homeowners Insurance with Holiday Theft Prevention

Don’t let a Grinch steal your happy holidays. Keep your home and belongings safe. You’ll have a merrier season and, since you won’t have to file a claim, you may even save on your homeowners insurance policy, too.