Obamacare Extra Enrollment Period for 2015
Good news if you missed the regular open enrollment period to buy qualifying healthcare or pay a penalty on your 2015 taxes: the federal government has moved the goal post again! A new, improved extra enrollment period is in effect until April 30, 2015. Y

Understanding Your ACA-Mandated Mental Health Services
Mental health is just as important as physical health to your over-all well-being, but health insurance plans didn’t always see it that way.

Understanding Your ACA Preventive Care Benefits
This article helps you understand your ACA preventive care benefits.

Do Wellness Programs Make Sense for Small Businesses?
The 175,000 employees of the Kaiser Permanente system can take…

Small Business Employer Mandate: Are You Ready?
With the many changes that have been made to the Affordable Care…

Healthcare Insurance Open Enrollment 2015
This article talks about the 2015 open enrollment period for health insurance. It provides purchasing points, and pros/cons of the various options.

When Going Out of Network Coverage Makes Sense
This article talks about the certain situations where going out of network to see a doctor may make sense.

Employee Wellness Programs: Money Saver or Money Pit?
This article describes employee wellness programs and if they are worth it or not.

Save Money on Healthcare: Do Your RX Homework
The news has been full of rosy reports recently telling us that…

Will You Lose Your Employer-Provided Health Insurance?
Read this article to find out what is happening with employer-provided health insurance in 2015

Health Exchange Premium Hikes Projected for 2015
This article provides the latest information regarding Health Exchange Premium Hikes for 2015.

Healthcare Tax Credits and the Federal Courts
This article provides Insurance Information on Healthcare Tax Credits

Small Business Health Insurance and the ACA Tax Credit
What Small Businesses need to know about Tax Credits and The ACA.

Long-Term Care Insurance Coverage
Get basic information about long-term care insurance and shop online for competitive long-term care coverage quotes.

Understanding Obamacare Exemptions
What happens now that the ACA open enrollment deadline has passed?

Short Term Health Insurance Plans Vs. Qualified (ACA) Plans
Younger people who make good money can save big bucks with short term health insurance that dodges some ACA requirements

Obama Proposes Extending Grandfather Clause to Fix Cancelled Policies
November 14, 2013. President Obama addresses problems with Obamacare, proposes extending the ACA’s grandfather clause to fix old and cancelled policies, throwing insurance providers for a loop.

Health Insurance: What To Do After Obama’s Speech
November 14, 2013 President Obama outlined his plans for fixing the problem of cancelled policies. Find out what you should do next.