Entries by Kathryn Morstad

Car Insurance After the Death of the Policyholder: A Comprehensive Guide

Key Takeaways: Upon the death of a spouse or family member, it is important for the survivors, especially the executor of any afterlife plans or proposals, to understand the options for car insurance so that surviving family members are covered. It is important to understand current premiums, payments, discounts, and refunds for any policy before […]

Does Car Insurance Cover Scratches and Dents?

Key Takeaways: Whether your vehicle insurance covers scratches and dents depends on the type of coverage you have. Comprehensive insurance typically covers damage caused by events like vandalism or natural disasters, while collision insurance covers damage resulting from accidents. When filing a claim for scratches and dents, it’s important to consider your deductible. If the […]

Do Permit Drivers Need Insurance?

Key Takeaways: All states require young people to acquire a learner’s permit when learning to drive. Depending on your state’s requirements, a permit can be obtained anywhere from 14 years of age to 16 years. Insuring a learner’s permit driver is relatively inexpensive and pays big dividends in demonstrating expectations and parenting by example. We […]

No Down Payment Car Insurance – What You Need to Know

Key Takeaways: No down payment car insurance, or 0 down car insurance, is a great way to get started with car insurance without paying the hefty, full annual or semi-annual premium. Students, new drivers, and contractors can all benefit from the financial flexibility offered by no down payment car insurance where monthly payments are more […]

What is The Penalty for Driving Without Insurance

Key Takeaways: In today’s fast-paced world, driving has become an essential part of our daily lives. Whether it’s commuting to work, running errands, or embarking on road trips, the convenience of having a vehicle is undeniable. However, this convenience comes with a critical responsibility — ensuring that your vehicle is insured at all times. Driving […]

The Difference Between Bodily Injury and Medical Payment Auto Insurance Coverage

Key Takeaways: Bodily Injury Liability serves as your financial protection if you cause an accident that results in injury to another individual. Bodily Injury insurance coverage goes beyond safeguarding your financial resources—it also addresses your legal obligations. Medical Payment coverage provides a wide range of advantages, based on a simple concept: it covers the medical […]

Car Insurance Fraud – All You Need to Know + 12 Strategies to Stay Safe

Key Takeaways: Car insurance fraud can be as simple as exaggerating the number of miles you drive when applying for coverage to criminal activity, like staged accidents or fraudulent medical claims. Fraud related to car insurance can carry stiff penalties like heavy fines and restitution, probation, and even jail time. The overall cost to the […]

Why Did My Car Insurance Go Up?

Key Takeaways: Car insurance costs can be impacted by a variety of factors both personal and ‘big picture.’ Determine if your premium increase is due to your personal changes in circumstances, e.g., recent ticket or accident, change in marital status, or if it is more environmental or legislative affecting everyone. Ask your insurance company or […]

How to Deal with an Insurance Adjuster

Key Takeaways: Insurance adjusters for homes and vehicles have different types of expertise but are basically responsible for the same thing — valuating your property’s damage and issuing compensation based on your coverage. Being prepared with the event information, details, estimates, and knowledge of your insurance coverage can help you during the claims process. We […]

Open Enrollment 2024 – All You Need to Know

Key Takeaways: Get ready for Healthcare Open Enrollment 2024! Read our comprehensive guide, and get detailed insights on the Medicare, ACA, and Marketplace open enrollment periods. Know the open enrollment 2024 deadline for your insurance and find solutions to common pain points. Be informed and make the best choices for your health insurance in 2024! […]

Does Car Insurance Cover Natural Disasters?

Key Takeaways: Weather-related events are causing more and more damage, but your auto insurance policy may not provide adequate coverage to repair or replace your car. Comprehensive coverage covers most natural and man-made disaster damage, but there may be limitations that impact your reimbursement. As weather events and natural disasters seem to get more prevalent […]

Homeowners Insurance Exclusions—What’s NOT in Your Policy?

Key Takeaways: Homeowners insurance can have exclusions that greatly impact on your coverage and your asset protection. Some exclusions may not be impactful, such as flood insurance when you live in a non-flood prone location, but other exclusions may be necessary to include or obtain a rider for coverage. Carefully review your current insurance policy […]

12 Steps to Switch Homeowners Insurance Companies

Key Takeaways: Switching your homeowners insurance coverage to a new company can save you money through reduced rates or better discounts. It’s always a good idea to check annually or whenever you have a change in circumstances. There are benefits and risks when you switch homeowners insurance companies. It’s important to know what they are […]

Financed Car Insurance – All You Need to Know

Key Takeaways: Do you plan to lease or finance a new or used car? Check with your dealer and insurance company about their specific financed car insurance requirements. Shopping around for the best insurance for financed cars can save you money on the full coverage insurance required by most lenders. If you choose to stop […]

What Color Cars Are More Expensive to Insure?

Key Takeaways: Car colors may not affect your insurance costs directly, but there are still certain things to take into consideration when shopping for insurance. Custom colors and fancy paint jobs will raise your rates, along with high performance add-ons like turbo superchargers and custom after-market wheels. Finding the best price on car insurance takes […]

Workers’ Comp Vs. Disability Insurance

Explaining Workers’ Comp vs Disability Insurance Key Takeaways: Workers’ compensation insurance and disability insurance both provide financial protection to an individual when they are unable to work because of an injury, illness, or disability. Both short and long term disability insurance can be purchased by an individual or employer and cover non-work related injuries and […]

Complete Guide to Renters Insurance: Protecting Your Rental Home

When you own a home, having homeowner’s insurance is common — in fact, not having it can cause serious problems with a lender or mortgage holder. But what about when you rent? How do you protect your belongings from theft or damage? Today, many large rental companies and properties require tenants to carry renters insurance […]

2023 Insurance Industry Outlook

Key Takeaways: In 2023, insurance companies will need to find ways to demonstrate value in their products while combatting rising costs for car and home repairs. Car insurance rates may rise as much as 8.4% in 2023. Contributing factors include increasing prices for cars, homes, and the costs to repair them, changes in habits as […]