How to Speed Up Your Car Insurance Claims

how to speed up your car insurance claims

How to Speed Up Car Insurance Claims

When you file an auto claim, your provider will likely to do everything possible to speed up car insurance claims process. Still, there are many variables that influence how quickly a claim can be resolved.

How quickly things move along depends on:

  • Your insurance provider
  • The state you’re filing in
  • If the claim is for personal injury (more complex)
  • Property damage (more straight-forward)
  • The complexity of what happened

Be Prepared

Before your next accident happens, get to know the ins and outs of your insurance policy and state requirements. Know your provider’s and state’s rules and requirements about insurance claims, such as how long you have after an accident to file a claim.

Tips for Speeding Up the Claims Process

The first thing you’ll want to do is contact your insurance company. Do so as soon as possible and be ready to provide the information the adjuster will need.

After an Accident

  • Gather the basic personal information about everyone involved in the accident, drivers and passengers alike, and witnesses if possible. Note their names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
  • Exchange insurance information with all drivers involved.
  • Take photos of the accident scene including all car damage to vehicles involved and, if possible, all people and witnesses involved.
  • Call the police after the accident. If they are able to make the scene, get the officers’ names. Provide your adjuster copies of any paperwork the police may give you.

Call your insurance provider, with all pertinent information in hand, as soon as you can.

When Dealing with Your Provider

  • Make sure you don’t hinder the process. Be prompt about getting requested information, returning phone calls and so forth.
  • Don’t lie. If you are clearly at fault, tell your provider. Don’t be tempted to de-fraud, which can cost you dearly.
  • Ask what you are entitled to, such as whether or not you’re covered for a car rental if you need it.
  • Ask about timelines including when they are required to respond to your claim.

By being attentive to the issues at hand and responding quickly and thoroughly to any requests by your insurance provider, you do your part in ensuring a smooth and timely process. Auto insurance companies do want happy customers, so resolving claims quickly is usually a high priority.

Learn more about auto insurance and find out what your state requirements are using our interactive map. If you’d like to compare your current policy to others, answer some basic questions and you’ll receive several quotes from providers.


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