What Factors Could Affect Your Insurance Rates?

There are many factors that could affect your insurance rates. For example, your age, your gender, marital status, claims history, credit history, previous insurance coverage, coverages and deductibles, insurance companies, etc.

You should know that insurance companies take all of these factors into considerations. That’s why you should negotiate your insurance rates with your insurer before you pay your premiums. Given rates vary substantially from company to company due to the spectrum of rating factors they take into account, you’d be best served by shopping around for insurance before you make a final decision.

For more information, go to EINSURANCE.com, a one-stop shop for insurance quotes comparison.

About Dale Williams

Dale Q. Williams, MBA, is a well-respected financial executive whose experience spans from insurance to investment banking. Dale has first hand underwriting experience through working for one of the largest U.S. based insurance carriers, and advisory experience from working for several bulge-bracket and middle-market investment banks. Dale also received his MBA from University of Chicago Booth School of Business, with concentrations in finance and accounting.