8 Ways to Be a Better Boss

How to be a better boss

8 Ways To Be A Better Boss

Hiring employees, managing the business, paying the bills, monitoring customer service, motivating the staff… The to-do list seems to go on forever. Running a business is not for the faint of heart, but there are some steps you can take to make it easier to do a better job without burning out.

1. Be good to yourself.

Take up a hobby or pursue an interest that will nourish you. Work out, run, listen to music, run, garden, do yoga. Make the time to concentrate on your own interests. Just 30 minutes a day of “me time” relaxes and rejuvenates.

2. Leave the office at work

Don’t let business interfere with your family life and personal time. Get a second phone for non-work calls and turn off your work cell phone in the evening and on weekends if possible. Don’t feel like you have to be watching after the business at all times.

3. Remember that nobody’s perfect.

Quit beating yourself up when you make a mistake or do something less than perfect. Keep in mind your employees are just human, too, and be kind to someone else who makes a mistake, even when you need to be firm with them.

4. Say no.

Know when to say no to people. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to when somebody makes a request. Establish boundaries by being okay with not participating or taking something unnecessary on.

5. Quit doing too much at the same time.

Tone down the multi-tasking and concentrate on one thing at a time. You’ll do that task better, and you’ll have more peace of mind.

6. Hire wisely.

Build your business team carefully and don’t just hire the first applicant who comes along. Take the time to discover whether or not a potential employee is compatible with the staff, what they can bring to the business and what kind of disposition and outlook they have.

7. Let others lead when possible.

Don’t micromanage people once they know their job. As long as the outcome is what it should be, how they get there doesn’t always have to be how you would do it. Give competent staff members more responsibility and let them take the lead.

8. Give yourself—and your employees—a break.

Get away from your desk at times and clear your head, maybe go for a walk. You’ll stay fresher longer, and you’ll feel better for it. Make sure your employees take regular breaks, as well, because stepping away from the computer screen for awhile every day nourishes mental and emotional health.

Running a business is never easy, but take some common sense measures and you can improve your outlook, your physical health and even your business.


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